Astro Boy
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Yuki and I took Mayu (actually I was the one who wanted to go) to the Astro Boy museum to see the display they have out to celebrate Atom's (Astor Boy's Japanese name) birthday.  

Atom was created by Osamu Tetsuka in the 60's and exported to America shortly afterwards.  For those of you who don't know, the character is a science fiction robot with super powers born from the year 2003 (hence the birthday celebration).  

With only displays of past material used to create Astro Boy TV shows and comics, the birthday display was nothing spectacular (which is the norm for Japanese attractions and also the main reason for the huge popularity of American attractions such as Disneyland over here) but the museum itself was pretty fun.  Mayu made her own piece of animation and she got a big hug from Atom himself!


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Outside the museum True Talent Mayu playing computer games Mayu and Yuki at work Cartoon clips Us with Atom