December Photos
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Here are the pictures for this month.  

 As usual, click on the picture to get a bigger view.

mayu disneyland.jpg (61012 bytes) hyozu-temple.jpg (24750 bytes) bluebakkaruma.jpg (16414 bytes) yakuza-garbage.jpg (25507 bytes)
Mayu, Ki-rin and Michan went to Disneyland! Hyozu Temple in Kurodasho Town (near Yachiyo) When I get 12 I will make a calendar! See the enlargement for an explanation
the-truck1.jpg (25015 bytes) the-truck2.jpg (25270 bytes) 155-kougenji-aogakicho.jpg (37484 bytes) stuffroom.jpg (19800 bytes)
stupid truck stupid truck sideview another shot of Kougenji The Stuff Room
104-mayu-102302.jpg (24870 bytes) bamboo.jpg (28509 bytes) bunkasai.jpg (30970 bytes) japanese-countryside.jpg (29757 bytes)
Mayu showing us her new ballet tricks Finally got a shot of bamboo that I like The schools cultural festival Japanese countryside
kurodasho-pond.jpg (21533 bytes) gohyakurakan.jpg (30582 bytes) rockhead1.jpg (29401 bytes) rockhead2.jpg (27335 bytes)
Scenery near Yukis town See the enlargement for an explanation One of statues This one looks like Bart Simpson