January Pix
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Here are the pictures for this month.  

 As usual, click on the picture to get a bigger view.

freeks-christams-decs.jpg (28097 bytes) grandmas-dinner.jpg (25673 bytes) kevin-and-akiko.jpg (24833 bytes) kuni-yasuko-luminarie.jpg (34297 bytes)
Christmas Decorations at Freek's Cafe.  The owners father made them. New Years dinner at Yuki's Grandmas house Kevin and Akiko came for a visit on Dec. 28 Kuni and Yasuko at Luminarie in Kobe
are you an alien.JPG (24153 bytes) kotaro-in-stocking.jpg (21876 bytes) mayu-and-her-zoo.jpg (31411 bytes) stupid-purple-car.jpg (26251 bytes)
X-Files should do a show on aliens in Japan Kotaro in the stocking Mom made Mayu and her Lego zoo Yep there is a never ending supply of these things
collon.jpg (18584 bytes) mayu-and-kotaro.jpg (37257 bytes) yachiyo-snowfall.jpg (25547 bytes) sunset-tachikui.jpg (17895 bytes)
Yum Yum!  Cheesecake flavoured Collon! Michan and Ki-rin had us over for a Christmas party The snow falls in Yachiyo! Winter sunset
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Japan, at the beginning stages of gender equity, decides to introduce female only trains to combat the groping pervert problem Made it to Horyuji in Nara over the holidays.  One of Japan's oldest temples. Scenery

Octopus ready for Takoyaki (deep fried octopus balls)

They are delicious!