The week before the wedding
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life  in the bus

Thanks to some last minute planning (and a lot of stress), everyone from Canada got together about 7pm on August 26th.  Poor Gub and Jenny showed up at the airport early that morning then waited around for us to show up and then we all waited around for Paul and Scott.  After that we headed through Osaka over to the other airport to meet the rest of the gang who had to come in on a flight from Tokyo cuz the Osaka flight from Vancouver was full.  Lots of running around but it could have been a LOT worse.  We were pretty lucky that things worked out smoothly. 

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rise and shine

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the sake factory
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Himeji Castle

Headed to Yuki's folks place, picked up some more futons then made our way to Yachiyo.  Tight sleeping arrangements but we did it!  By the end of the week, people were looking a little sleep deprived (especially those of us who had to sleep near Paul) but it sure beat having everyone in hotels and having to call back and forth and arrange pickups and stuff.  And cheaper too!

The next morning we stopped at a sake factory for a quick tour before heading to visit Himeji Castle (a world heritage sight and the castle that is pictured in most Japan tourist literature).  The castle tour was great partly because there was a volunteer English speaking guide to explain everything to everyone.  After the castle, back to Nishiwaki for a BBQ feast at a local Yakiniku restaurant.  Everyone loved the beef tongue but after we told them what it was, a few people backed out of round 2.  There was still plenty to eat and a lot of beverages were consumed to quench the thirst everyone had from being out in the humidity all day.  

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Nice jackets!
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Ryuanji Rock Garden

The next day brought rain but we headed out to visit Kyoto anyways.  Yuki's driving scared Jeff into the driver's seat and after some close calls on the narrow roads through the mountains, we made it to Kyoto.  But the rain and lack of sleep had everyone wanting to head home after we visited one temple.  Oh well, Yuki and I can go back anytime.  Stopped for suchi on the way home and then just hung out for the rest of the night.  

The next day's highlight was dinner at Yuki's house.  Michiko came out from

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dinner at Yuki's house Making umbrellas
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Volleyball Tea ceremony

 Osaka with Mayu and Kotaro to have dinner too.  What a spread!  Everyone got really full and then we didn't have anytime to help clean up cuz we had to head out to the tea ceremony.  Yuki used to study flower arrangement and her teacher, who also teaches the art of the tea ceremony, was kind enough to offer everyone an opportunity to experience some more Japanese culture and invited them to one of her tea ceremony classes.  After comments about toothpaste, bursts of laughter and many culturally embarrassing moments I wasn't sure if the teacher was going to throw us all out or what.  But she was cool about it and afterwards she even told Yuki that she had a good time.  

The final day in Yachiyo, we headed to my school for a tour, played some volleyball with the kids and then went for a drive in the mountains and around Yachiyo.  The girls went over to Yuki's house to learn how to do origami from Yuki's mom and then we all went out for lunch at the restaurant Yuki used to work at (yum yum).  Mayu and Michiko and Kumi all joined us for lunch too.

Another dinner at Yuki's house and then we all headed to the Japanese bathhouse for some more culture.  More embarrassing moments (Bryan...) but a lot of fun and very relaxing.  (Now that I type this I realize some of the order of events is out of whack but its too much effort to go back and fix it all now and what does the order matter anyways).

The next morning it was off to Osaka for the wedding.  Yuki and I hope that everyone who came over had a good time.  We know that this was supposed to be a holiday for all of you and we were so busy that you probably needed another holiday once you got home but think of all the memories!