On the weekend of June 28th, we hopped on a night bus and headed down to Yuki's folks house. I took advantage of this trip to move all of our winter stuff down there to lighten the load at the end of July. I was pretty beat by the time we got to Osaka from hauling around all the luggage from train to train to bus to bus to car... Basically it was a pain in the butt. One of the reasons we went down there was to check out the place where we will have our wedding. We will be having it at a sports club / hotel type place in Osaka. It's pretty standard for weddings to be held at hotels over here. So standard that most hotels have a chapel built into them. I think I mentioned before that Christian style weddings are trendy over here. You get some foreigner who acts as a priest to marry you in front of your friends and a put together choir which also has one or two foreigners in it usually. Apparently there is pretty big bucks in being a fake preacher. I say fake cuz most of them aren't even Christian, they are just making a living of the trend. It is quite funny to see actually. Another reason we headed down south was to check out the new apartment that we will be moving into so we know what furniture we have to take with us. I didn't know what to expect cuz the guy living there now said the place was really small. Turns out it is a pretty standard sized (Japanese standards of course) place. Not as big as the place we are in now but about the same size as the place I had in Mobara (for those of you who visited there). As you can tell by the picture the place doesn't look so great from the outside but the inside was surprisingly nice. It turns out that we don't have to take much furniture with us. The place is pretty well set up. What a relief. The place has 2 floors and room in the back of the place to plant a garden. I think we will like it. It will be interesting having 10 people living there for the week around the wedding!!! The guy living in the place now had nothing but good things to say about the town and the school I will be working at. It was nice to hear. I hope the school is as nice as the one that I am in now. I will keep my fingers crossed. Make sure you check out all the pictures by clicking on either of the pictures on this page. Oh yeah, I will put a picture of the ring up on the front page next week. Yuki will pick it up on Monday. So keep checking back!