Fall Colors in Japan
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103-kamicho-saikouji.jpg (37425 bytes) 103-yachiyo-fall.jpg (37764 bytes) 112-kamicho-saikouji.jpg (42364 bytes) 116-yachiyo-fall.jpg (24375 bytes) 120-kamicho-saikouji.jpg (35894 bytes) 125-aogakicho.jpg (31197 bytes)
Saikoji Temple Yachiyo Saikoji Temple Yachiyo Mountains Saikoji Temple Another small temple
158-kougenji-aogakicho.jpg (33781 bytes)
Kougenji Temple
161-kougenji-aogakicho.jpg (37891 bytes)
Kougenji Temple

Fall in Yachiyo was amazing.  It made me wonder why all the Japanese rush over to Eastern Canada to see all the fall colours there.  The top row of pictures are from in and around Yachiyo.  Saikoji Temple is in the town next to us, Kami Town.  The bottom rows of pictures were taken at a temple called Kougenji at a town called Aogaki, about an hour north of here.

Click on a picture for an enlarged view.

126-kougenji-aogakicho.jpg (30251 bytes) 142-kougenji-aogakicho.jpg (41358 bytes) 143-kougenji-aogakicho.jpg (39911 bytes) 152-us-at-kougenji-aogakich.jpg (38365 bytes) 149-kougenji-aogakicho.jpg (47066 bytes) 148-kougenji-aogakicho.jpg (41558 bytes)
Kougenji Temple Kougenji Temple Kougenji Temple Us at Kougenji Temple Kougenji Temple Kougenji Temple