Look out you bad Japanese drivers (like Yuki), here I come. The new job requires us to go to a town that doesn't have a train station or a supermarket so we are going to need a car. I don't have an international licence and my Canadian one expires in June so even if I had one I wouldn't be able to use it. So I had to get a Japanese licence. That requires taking a written and a practical test. The written test can be taken in English but the driving test can only be taken in Japanese (foreigners don't know how good they have it in Canada). I took the test on Friday and passed. Apparently passing the first time around is quite a feat (everyone in my class had failed the day before and only two of them managed to pass the second time). The hardest part of getting the licence was rounding up the paperwork. I had to pay the Canadian Embassy to translate my licence officially, get a driving record from ICBC, and get a record of my entrances and departures to Japan from the Immigration Bureau.