May News
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What's new?

Well, Yuki got a job and is now working selling home security systems; a market that I think will grow really quickly here.  Until now Japan has enjoyed a low crime rate and high employment rate.  Now, in the middle of a recession with record unemployment levels, more break ins are occurring.  Yuki will only work there for a couple of months though.  Then we will move.

I have made some other pages to let you know about what else is going on in our lives over here.

I will add a Funabashi page once I get some pictures.

click on the titles below to read about semi current news

Wedding Plans -05/10/02

Jeff gets his drivers license -05/10/02

Done with the dentist -05/10/02

The new job -05/10/02

Golden Week -04/26 to 05/05/02

Life in Japan -05/15/02