May Photos
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Here are the pictures for this month.  

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boysday-koi.jpg (22672 bytes) favorite-ramen-shop.jpg (30004 bytes) jikanki-bw.jpg (19049 bytes) koinobori.jpg (34014 bytes)
more "koinobori"

our favorite noodle shop

tomato and garlic is all they serve

an old vending machine more carp
kura-window-bw.jpg (18953 bytes) ladybug-maple.jpg (22832 bytes) crazyshirt1.jpg (12995 bytes) river-by-my-house.jpg (25816 bytes)
an old warehouse window japanese maple another tshirt the river near our house
crazyshirt2.jpg (32896 bytes) spring-bamboo.jpg (23820 bytes) tiger-decoration.jpg (21775 bytes) mini-stupid-car.jpg (24322 bytes)
the shirts never end spring bamboo another boy's day decoration a miniature stupid car
waterfall-river-hiroshima.jpg (41392 bytes) tqakenoko-yukicatch.jpg (36811 bytes) rengekoi2.jpg (39934 bytes) tpnew.jpg (12115 bytes)
near yuki's aunt and uncle's house nice job yuki! yachiyo koi nobori this month's toilet paper message